Metal Gear Solid HD Vita To Make Use Of Rear Touch

  • By Jonathan Sutton 
  • 13 years ago  
  • with 0 comments  
  • in News 

mgs vita

The updated Vita version of the Metal Gear Solid series will have unique uses for the handheld's rear touch pad.

Franchise head honcho Hideo Kojima tweeted the details via his official twitter feed whilst showing off a couple of new pictures. He said "You can slice enemy's throat with knife if you flick the touch pad behind." Kojima's hands on approach to violence should curry favour with the more visceral gamers out there.

Alongside this he also tweeted "If you pinch out left & right on touch panel behind w/ 1st person camera, you can stretch up yourself." Your guess is as good as mine what this could mean, possibly an alternative way to switch to the 3rd person perspective?

select screen

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