3G Vita Able to Receive Text Messages

  • By Joe Ryan 
  • 13 years ago  
  • with 1 comments  
  • in News 

Here's some baffling news for you. Apparently, because each 3G PlayStation Vita has a phone number associated with it (you can find out what yours is in the System Information section) they are able to receive text messages.

Before you get to excited, it should be pointed out that you won't be able to respond to text messages from the Vita...at least not yet. Could Sony be planning on adding some sort of cell phone functionality into the Vita at a later date?

We'll know more as Sony divulges information. In the meantime, what do you think the purpose of the phone numbers is? Just a requirement for a 3G device, or an indication that the Vita may eventually have some phone-like capabilities? Let us hear your thoughts in the comments section!

  • best electronic ever.....if only one could just pop out to me

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