Game (UK) starts to sell Ubisoft launch titles

  • By Glen Cairns 
  • 13 years ago  
  • with 0 comments  
  • in News 

After a shaky month for Game, their credit insurance woes seem to be behind them at this point, the launch of the PS Vita has been a success for both Sony and the retailer.

However, when browsing the shelves at the local Game store on the Vita's launch day there was a gap, a gap that Ubisoft games should've filled. According to Games marketing director Anna-Marie Mason, the retailer did not stock Ubisoft games such as  Rayman Origins, Lumines Electronic Symphony, Asphalt: Injection, Dungeon Hunter Alliance, and Michael Jackson: The Experience as their high street stores only have a finite amount of space available.

Now the retailer is set to stock up on these titles as from tomorrow, perhaps they have added space to their stores?  But its important to realise that these games will now be available as a physical piece of media in the UK's biggest videogame retailer.


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