Buy 2 Get 1 on Vita Games at Target This Week!

  • By Joe Ryan 
  • 13 years ago  
  • with 0 comments  
  • in News 

If you are looking forward to getting a Vita on launch day but aren't quite sure where to do the purchasing, Target is looking to get your business. While the handheld itself doesn't release until Wednesday, many stores are already stocking games for it and Target will be selling all Vita games with a 'Buy two get one free' promotion all week long.

As per usual, the cheapest of the three games will be the one you end up getting free, so don't be expecting to pick up Uncharted: Golden Abyss for zero dollars. However, if you were thinking of getting three games anyway or were maybe on the fence about getting a second game, there's no reason now not to go for it and get a third absolutely free.

Well played, Target. Well played.

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