Konami Announces Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PS Vita

  • By admin 
  • 13 years ago  
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Today Konami annouced the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will be coming to the Vita this Summer. This pack which was available on PS3 and Xbox 360 only, now arrives on the newest handheld. And the only handheld that can handle this these games.


PlayStation Suite Beta Announced for April Release - Opens up Doors to Small Developers

  • By admin 
  • 13 years ago  
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It appears that Sony is ready to take on Apple with this latest announcement. SDK tools for Sony Android devices as well as the PS Vita, and for $99 I'd say that is a wake up call that the future of games is not going to be just the big publishers anymore. Apple and Microsoft […]


No UMD Pass in North America

  • By Glen Cairns 
  • 13 years ago  
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Sony has stated that there will be no UMD passport available in North America.  This means that Psp owner will not be able to play their UMD games on Sony's new Vita. This may have come as a shock to people, as a lot of Psp owners were expecting Sony to let them port across […]


PlayStation Vita Sales Reach Over 1.2 Million Units Worldwide

  • By admin 
  • 13 years ago  
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Sony released some numbers today regarding the sales of the PS Vita. 1.2 Million units sold, and software sales already reaching over 2 Million worldwide.


GameSpy Technology Joins Sony's Middleware License Program

  • By admin 
  • 13 years ago  
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GameSpy makes it's online game service available for the PS Vita. Mortal Kombat from NetherRealm seems to be the game being used as a first example, and a good one at that. I guess we will see how it turns out and if other developers also use this API.


Vita Games Chart High in UK Chart

  • By Glen Cairns 
  • 13 years ago  
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The PS Vita has only been out in the UK for less than a week, and two of its launch titles have charted at 1 and 2 in the UK all formats chart. Both Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Fifa Football have placed at the top of the chart, with Nathan Drake standing tall at pole […]


Netflix coming to Vita

  • By Glen Cairns 
  • 13 years ago  
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Netflix the film, tv and documentary streaming service is coming to a Vita screen near you, yes, you heard right.  Not only will your Vita play the high end games, cross platform them with the PS3, play psp games and mini's but now you can stream film and tv episodes to the high resolution OLED […]


Game (UK) starts to sell Ubisoft launch titles

  • By Glen Cairns 
  • 13 years ago  
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After a shaky month for Game, their credit insurance woes seem to be behind them at this point, the launch of the PS Vita has been a success for both Sony and the retailer. However, when browsing the shelves at the local Game store on the Vita's launch day there was a gap, a gap […]


Shinobodo 2: Revenge of Zen Trailer

  • By Joe Ryan 
  • 13 years ago  
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If there's one thing I look for when I am considering purchasing a gaming console, it's a nice game featuring Ninjas sneaking around and impaling people in brutal ways. Luckily for PlayStation Vita owners, that game has arrived already! The game is called Shinobodo 2: Revenge of Zen (ironic, since revenge isn't really a Zen […]


3G Vita Able to Receive Text Messages

  • By Joe Ryan 
  • 13 years ago  
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Here's some baffling news for you. Apparently, because each 3G PlayStation Vita has a phone number associated with it (you can find out what yours is in the System Information section) they are able to receive text messages. Before you get to excited, it should be pointed out that you won't be able to respond […]
